What Do You Want From Relay For Life On-Line?
I have been involved in many conversations lately about how far we have come when it comes to our on-line capabilities for Relay For Life, and how far we still have to go.
I think it is important for us as volunteers and self-proclaimed leaders of this organization to 1. celebrate that we have more on-line resources than ever (http://www.relayforlife.org , http://www.acsrelay.org , http://www.cancer.org , and more!), 2. continue the dialogue on how we get better.
The fact is we can still improve our reach to volunteers out there looking for a cancer-related cause. Until we have 100% "hits" when a volunteer searches out a cancer-related cause and finds us as an option, we're not set up for the success I want. By having less than that, we leave many needs of potential volunteers unmet. And once a volunteer is giving their valuable time and talent to the Relay For Life, we have an obligation to continue to meet their needs.
On-line can be such an enabler
- it can provide a library of ideas (visit the Relay Library on relayforlife.org) so Relay For Life staff don't have to tie up valuable time searching for information like that to give to volunteers
- it can make it easy to find your event (visit http://www.cancer.org/docroot/par/content/PAR_1_Relay_For_Life.asp)
- I have received a lot of positive feedback about http://www.acsrelay.org 's Chairman's Manual
, which provides volunteers with a list of things every event should do
We need more stuff like above. What things do you want?
I get e-mails every day from volunteers who want these things who find me as someone to go to for help because I maintain http://www.acsrelay.org and moderate on http://www.relayforlife.org
Let's give them a benchmark experience with a charity on-line - 100% success when they search for RFL and ACS related information. 100% information provided; 100% user satisfaction; 100% success in getting them involved in the Relay For Life cause.
What do you think needs to happen for us to achieve this vision? E-mail rflvolunteer@gmail.com with ideas and questions!
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