Relay For Life Blog

This blog is dedicated to sharing ideas and information about Relay For Life. It is associated with , a website dedicated to resources for Relay For Life, by volunteers for volunteers. and this blog are developed and maintained by volunteers. They are not official ACS websites and are not maintained directly by ACS.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fantastic Idea - Collect One Million Survivor Signatures - Can YOU Help?


See below for a great idea! The Lancaster Relay For Life in Pennsylvania has a drive going to collect 1,000,000 (One Million) Signatures/Names From Survivors!

Can YOU Help? Please E-mail the name/signature of the person or snail mail the signature to Kathy at the contact information listed below

Thanks again for helping!

I need your help. Are you a cancer survivor? Do you know a cancer survivor or someone who lost their battle with this dreaded disease?

My name is Kathy Morgan and I am Co-Chair of the Lancaster Relay For Life in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Our Relay will be held on June 9th and 10th, 2006 at Lancaster Catholic High School’s Rossmere Stadium.

Our goal is not only to raise One Million Dollars for the American Cancer Society but we are also trying to honor One Million Cancer Survivors and/or those that have passed due to this disease by placing their signatures or names on our Wall on Honor at our event.

In order to accomplish this we need your help. Would you please forward our signature form on to everyone that you know that has been touched by cancer so that they can be part of our event. The students of Lancaster Catholic are creating the Wall of Honor and signatures will be arranged by state and country.

To create an honor of this magnitude we need people like you to help get the word out to the nation and the world. Unfortunately cancer touches so many of our lives and the lives of those around us. This will be a tribute to the courageous battle that those diagnosed with cancer have waged against this disease.

As a seven and one half year breast cancer survivor, I applaud anything that you can do to help us achieve our ONE MILLION SIGNATURE GOAL.


Kathy Morgan, Event Co-Chair
Lancaster Relay For Life
Phone: 717-653-2407

“If we did everything we were truly capable of, we would literally astound ourselves” – Thomas Edison

Please mail to:

Kathy Morgan
PO Box 142
Mount Joy, PA 17552


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