Relay For Life Blog

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Luminaria Bag Idea!

Consider doing Luminaria Bags in Bright Colors! – One way to make you bags stand out would be to have bags in special colors… The Tussey Mountain Relay in Saxton PA is using purple for their survivors’ luminaria bags – “We wanted to do something different this year with our luminaria, and that was to have purple luminaria bags for the survivors to light themselves after their survivor lap, after the survivor lap we set up the luminaria bags then shortly after it is ceremony time. I thought it would be nice to have the survivors place their own bags around the track at random places, then light theirs. Then we could have the others light their matches from the luminarias that were already lit.” – Thanks to Wendi S. for this great idea!

NOTE: For perspective, a 6" x 3 1/2" x 11" bag is slightly bigger than the lunch bag you took to school as a kid :) Here are links to get purple (and other color) paper bags which you could use for special luminaria:
• seems like a good site... the Item # you want is 12-580-8 - I think this is the typical size used for luminaria (6 1/4 x 3 11/16 x 12 7/16, or close) - had lots of choices... 12.1 cents per bag up to 400 total, 10.5 cents per bag for 500 or more, in 100 bag increments
• - The medium (6" x 3 1/2" x 11") purple bags would be perfect and are 15 cents each

See the link above for more great ideas!


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