Relay For Life Blog

This blog is dedicated to sharing ideas and information about Relay For Life. It is associated with , a website dedicated to resources for Relay For Life, by volunteers for volunteers. and this blog are developed and maintained by volunteers. They are not official ACS websites and are not maintained directly by ACS.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Relay For Life Success Stories 2005!


Power to the People!
- This Relay figured out how to make their teams part of having great food! - "At our Relay this year we put food in the hands of our teams. We had a coordinator to oversee everything and make sure we didn't have duplications, but the teams loved it as did all the Relayers because we had anything and everything you can imagine to eat...and it all raised money for the Relay. For example we had, chicken BBQ, pulled pork platters, hamburger BBQ, nachos, soup, hamburgers, hot dogs, hot sausage, french fries, onion rings, pierogies, baked goods, sno cones, popcorn, all kinds of cold drinks, coffee, donuts and muffins to mention some. This was one less major committee chair we needed as the coordinator job wasn't an overwhelming one, plus we didn't need to ask our local merchants for additional donations!!” ! this allows the event to have a great selection of food that people can get for a donation! Thanks to JackieC3579 for this great idea! (8/05)

Cookbooks for a Cure
- There are many great volunteers out there who do this - put recipes in a cookbook that is sold at their local event/ or even on-line to raise money to fight cancer. What a great idea! People that are looking for recipes can be found at: discussions about cookbooks

JaimeNicole and Wizkid0507 have posted their recipe requests on line for their fundraising cookbooks for Relay! If you have a recipe you would be willing to contribute, please go to the link above and reply to their posts or email them directly! More info is available at the link above. Pat Roach says "I have Celebration of Life I and II for sale at $12 each- 400 recipes!! in each- but I can't take any recipes because that is the end of my publishing!!!!!!!!!! It was such fun! My email address is for those who would like to donate for a copy. Cost for shipping is $2.00. They are great- everyday type recipes!!!!! I even included my very best chocolate chip receipe!!!!” Please share your recipes with Jaime and Wizkid0507, and donate to get Pat’s cookbook! It’s for a great cause!

Pie In The Face Contest
- A great way to use friendly rivalry and teacher/student hi-jinks to raise a lot of money. It combines raising money by "nominating” different people to be the ones who the pies are thrown at, and then making people donate to throw the pies! Great great great! - check out this idea from Jaime D. at Notre Dame! - "I was a team captain! at the University of Notre Dame. My idea, which brought in over $3,000.00 was to have a "Pie in the Face” contest. The contest consisted of faculty, staff, and graduate students. We placed a picture of each (volunteering of course) person on a jar which was kept in the main office of the Biology Dept. If you wanted a person to be pied at the end of the contest you put money in that person’s jar. We kept a running chart (money was counted every day and updated) of the monies in each jar. The top 10 (started with 30) individuals with the most money in their jar had to sit outside in the quad (on a designated time and day) and allow people to buy a pie (whip crème) for a $1.00 (larger pies were $2.00) to throw at the person of choice. What made this so fun was that professors were trying to get out of having to be in the contest by putting money in others so that their jar would not have the most money in it. One professor paid 150.00 just the last hour so he could buy himself out of the relay and put the 150 in other jars to get himself out of the top 10. Others kept adding money into their friends jars to get them pied. Also word of mouth traveled that other departments came over to join in the fun and took up collections in their own office to bring over on the last day. The best of is that we did the actual contest of pie throwing on the Friday before our opening football game day. We were playing Michigan (big game) and Dick Vital was walking by for the pep rally and bought a lot of pies and also paid for his grandchildren to join in the fun and pie our Chairperson of the dept. Even famous people joined in the fun. There was a lot of fun in this contest and hopefully this year can make it campus wide.” Thanks again Jamie!

Second Relay For Life
- Drumroll please! And the award for the best Relay that exists but doesn’t goes to!. The Second Relay For Life, which is located at Second Life which can be found at

Second Life

Read more about this great project at:

Free Standing Sign That Says Hope or Cure & Tiki Torches (!$50 donation apiece!!!!!!)
- Many people write and say they do not have a hill or bleachers on which to display a HOPE or CURE sign! Check out the great idea from Gail J. and Randy Q. of the Floyd County, GA Relay For Life: "Our Relay is in a park. We can't spell out HOPE with luminaries because we don't have an area where there are bleachers or any type of support system to be able to actually see that the luminaries spell out HOPE. That is the reason we went with the idea of the free-standing sign. The only requirement is that you must have a power source for the rope lighting. I can't remember if I said this in my post, but each letter is 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide, making the dimensions of the entire display 8 x 16. It was cut from 1/4 inch plywood and braced with 2x4's. Our local technical college carpentry class made the sign with materials donated by a local builders hardware supplier. The track is about 1/4 mile, and we positioned the sign in one of the turns so that it was prominent as you approached the site and as you walked the track. The pictures I am sending show it during the day so you can get an idea of what it really looks like, and then at night so you can see how it looked with the luminaries. We also have an arch of balloons on the track through which our survivors walk during the victory lap, and then we keep it up all night. I am also sending a picture of the HOPE taken through the arch. The red and blue balloons along with the purple and white are in keeping with our theme of Relay Across America (the campsites were decorated in various State themes). One more great thing about the sign - the bracing was attached so that it can be folded against the letters or easily removed for storage, and we actually have the letters stacked on their sides against a wall in my basement. They were transported in the bed of a standard pick-up truck. They take very little room to store!” and if it is not enough that they had this great sign, they also did the following this year (their second year with the sign) - "!I am pleased to report that we successfully reused the sign for the second year this year and it worked beautifully! it is so dark around it, and HOPE rises from the darkness. By the way, the flames you see above the luminaria bags are tiki torches, which we added this year for $50 each - and added $10,000 to our total! The visual effect was awesome!- Thanks to Gail J. and Randy Q. for this wonderful idea! - see below for pictures:

Tribute Torches/Luminaria Torches
- Tribute or luminaria torches are tiki torches that have a sign on them stating who they are in honor/memory of for a larger donation than the traditional luminaria! It is a unique way for people to recognize survivors or those who have lost the battle! This is an idea from several different events:

Berkshire County Relay For Life ! Thanks to Mary for sharing! They provide tribute torches for a $100 donation to individuals and businesses! Based on the description below, they raised $20,000 last year and are expecting $40,000 with these tribute torches! "!we more than exceeded our wildest imagination for the interest these tribute torches caused. We sold out of over 200 our first year and are expecting 400 or more this year! We [give] people their choice; they can use the torches as sponsorship for their business and/or dedicate them to an employee or loved one...” See the link below for more info:

Berkshire Relay Tribute Torches

Rome, GA Relay For Life - This idea, as Luminaria Torches is also used at the Rome, GA Relay For Life - thanks to Gail & Deana! They netted $10,000 this year from the sale of these!! They requested a donation of $50, and next year are planning on $100! What a great job!

Lexington, KY Relay For Life (thanks to I Relay 4 Doug!) - They use these lamps, and save them for the following year! To quote: "We only filled our canisters about half full so as the night went on they burned all the oil for the most part. We then gave them thier torches with a paper that said next year they could have a $25 discount to use it again! That way they took care of storage issues.”! That way they can reuse them each year, and the discount keeps them coming back! Thanks to I Relay For Doug and to for making this sharing of ideas possible!

Try to get as much of the stuff donated as possible. Businesses can donate the torches, plaques, and as much of the stuff as possible to underwrite the cost! Thanks to Gail for emphasizing that.

Painted and Decorated Luminaria! - What a great idea from Kathy and Laura and their Girl Scout troop who participate at the Delano Relay For Life! "...As Girl Scouts, our Gold Award project was to lead the luminaria part of the Delano Relay for Life in Minnesota on August 5th and 6th. As Part of the team, our duties were to decorate the bags, fill them with sand, and put on the luminaria ceremony. The job was huge, but we were able to do it with the help of our community. As part of our Gold Award project, we came up with an idea for yur project to live on into the future. The first idea is an easy way to decorate bags for people who buy them.... We developed an easy way to decorate lots of bags within hours. The first step was to make our own stencils out of thin sheets of cardboard. Then we laid the stencils on the bags and spray painted. This is an easy way for people who don’t want or can’t decorate their own bags but still want them to look nice.,," See pictures below!

Hands of Hope!
- Talk about a simple but effective ideas to involve your survivors and create an annual survivor tradition! - "This past June we ( survivors too!!) took a white sheet- got a gallon of bright pink and one gallon of purple paint , rollers and thin latex ( and non) gloves. We asked each survivor to put on a glove, choose a color and we rolled the paint onto their gloved palm. They then placed their hand straight down onto the sheet and pulled it back up. Then with a sharpie they signed their name and how long they have been a survivor. It went over so well. Next year- we will do a new one- but we will hang the old one for all to see. For the survivor lap we will pin the sheet up ( so as not to drag it) and lead our lap with the sheet. At the top- right in marker 2006 ( then your town) Hands of Hope.” - A great ideas thanks to Pam and the Grand Rapids, Michigan Relay For Life!

Wall of Memories
- A beautiful "wall" that people write messages on at Relay! The backing can be plywood, and you can spread big sheets of butcher paper across it! A great survivor activity to honors those fighting and remember those we have lostl! This wonderful idea comes to us from Hawaii! thanks to Hawaii Shots for sharing these great pics from the Honolulu Relay For Life and Sandy Beach Relay For Life! See the following link to learn more:

Wall Of Memories

Is there a great idea that you have tried that has worked wonderfully? Is there an idea you found on or http;// that was successful? We'd love to know! Please e-mail us at and tell us about it!

Please include
  • the name of the idea
  • a description of how to do it
  • where you found the idea or who invented it (and how you would like credit to be given when it is posted for others to learn from on-line)
  • how much you raised (if applicable)
  • and anything else you want to make sure people know about it!
  • monthly e-mail updates

    Visit the following link to see the monthly updates that have been published about Relay For Life. These updates provide tips about Relay and how to make it more successful...:

    You'll find suggestions on things to do for each of your committees - for example, a recap of the most original and best ideas from the past year about Relay:

    Ramesh Moorthy
    volunteer, Baltimore, MD

    Wednesday, November 09, 2005 Relay For Life Blog

    Welcome to the Relay For Life Blog - why does this blog exist? To guide you to developments and information related to Relay For Life - Relay on-line resources, other blogs, and other information that you might find valuable! The ideas that are referenced on this blog are found on many different sites, including one I maintain with ideas and info for Relay For Life -